Obs are little furry creatures about three inches tall, but they do many of the things that humans do. For instance, they make movies — what do you call a section of a movie made by a little furry creature? — an obscene.
What do you call little furry couples? — obtuse.
What do you call a tall little furry creature? — an oblong.
What is a well-read little furry creature? — an obliterate.
What’s a poisonous little furry creatures? — obnoxious.
What is a tardy little furry creature? — oblate.
What is the young son of a little furry creature? — oboy.
What is a tardy Scottish little furry creature? — obsolete
What do you call it when a little furry creature has an argument with his sister Catherine? — obfuscate.
What do you call it when a little furry creature falls for a joke? — obit.
What is a little furry papal envoy? — obligate.
Where is his office? In an obligation.
What do you call it when a little furry creature must urinate? — oblique.
What does a little furry girl call her male friend? — oboe.
What do little furry doctors do? — obscure.
What do you call a little furry creature’s job? — an oblivion.
What does a little furry waiter do? — observe.
What does a little furry butler do for his English lord? — observatory.
What are little furry dirty jokes? — obsess.
What does a little furry creature spend with his therapist? — an obsession.
What does a little furry running back experience? — an obstacle.
What did a little furry creature do when he straightened a wall? — he obtrude.
What is little furry poetry? — obverse.
What do you call a little furry side of a story? — an obversion.
Who is the little furry
creatures’ king? — Oberon