The first poem in the Bordello series is "Rick De Travaille," written in the form of a rispetto, a description of which will be found on pp. 305-306 in The Book of Forms: A Handbook of Poetics, Including Odd and Invented Forms, Revised and Expanded Edition by Lewis Putnam Turco, Hanover, NH: University Press of New England ( , 2012 • 384 pp. 3 illus. 5 x 7 1/2" Reference & Bibliography / Poetry 978-1-61168-035-5, paperback:
The whole Bordello series of poems may be found in The Collected Lyrics of Lewis Turco / Wesli Court 1953-2004, Scottsdale, AZ:, 2004, 460 pp., ISBN 1932842004, jacketed cloth, $49.95; ISBN 1932842012, trade paperback.