The Virginia Quarterly Review "The Mutable Past," a memoir collected in FANTASEERS, A BOOK OF MEMORIES by Lewis Turco of growing up in the 1950s in Meriden, Connecticut, (Scotsdale AZ: Star Cloud Press, 2005).
The Tower Journal Two short stories, "The Demon in the Tree" and "The Substitute Wife," in the spring 2009 issue of Tower Journal.
The Tower Journal A story, "The Car," and two poems, "Fathers" and "Year by Year"
The Tower Journal Memoir, “Pookah, The Greatest Cat in the History of the World,” Spring-Summer 2010.
The Michigan Quarterly Review This is the first terzanelle ever published, in "The Michigan Quarterly Review" in 1965. It has been gathered in THE COLLECTED LYRICS OF LEWIS TURCO/WESLI COURT, 1953-2004 (
The Gawain Poet An essay on the putative medieval author of "Gawain and the Green Knight" in the summer 2010 issue of Per Contra.
The Black Death Bryan Bridges' interesting article on the villanelle and the terzanelle with "The Black Death" by Wesli Court as an example of the latter.
Seniority: Six Shakespearian Tailgaters This is a part of a series called "Gnomes" others of which have appeared in TRINACRIA and on the blog POETICS AND RUMINATIONS.
Reinventing the Wheel, Modern Poems in Classical Meters An essay with illustrations of poems written in classical meters together with a "Table of Meters" and "The Rules of Scansion" in the Summer 2009 issue of Trellis Magazine
Miss Pussy's Parlor Songs, Part Twenty-nine
Donald Trump has more than lied;
Donald Trump is fit to be tried.
Donald Trump, The President,
Did not know what "govern"
"I want my wall without dissent!"
He pouted in his discontent,
"Or I'll shut down my.
Cut and run, cut and run,
I think it would be so much fun
Just to quit, to cut and run
Without consulting anyone!
Cut and run, cut and run,
Declare a win, just say we won
And tell our allies that we're
Then cut and run, cut and run!
Government is shutting down,
Shutting down, shutting down,
Government us shutting down --
Trump's a moron.
Build his wall with iron bars,
Iron bars, iron bars,
Build his wall with iron bars,
And his bullshit.
Merry Xmas everyone,
Everyone, everyone,
Merry Xmas everyone,
Happy New Year!
The thing that I don't get at all
Is why Trump thinks he'll get his wall.
I'm gonna keep the government shut,
I'm gonna keep the government shut,
I'm gonna keep the government shut,
To prove that we don't need one!
I'm gonna prove I'm useless here,
I'm gonna prove I'm useless here,
I'm gonna prove I'm useless here,
And then I will have won!
For Gail White
If I were in a crowd with Donald Trump
I would not care to have the bugger bump
Against me and remark, "Excuse you, please,"
Because by then I'd have a case of fleas
Compounded with a nasty nest of lice
And other pestilences not so nice,
As for example anthills filled with ticks
Plus several tapeworms filling out the mix.
I hope Trump does not hold things out against me,
For I would be disgusted most intensely!
How could those women crawl between the sheets
Even for thousands, hold him to their teats
And act as though they liked what he was doing?
(I doubt that one could even call it "screwing."
"Nailing" might be closer in intent,
"Impaling," though,is more like what I meant.
While he works just watch the girls grow paler
Working under Donald the Impaler.
Everyone knows that Adam and
Lived in a leafy bower,
And who doesn't know that
Donald Trump
Wanted a Moscow Tower?
From MISS PUSSY'S PARLOR SONGS by Claudette McFang.
January 24, 2019 in Accentual-syllabic verse, American History, Americana, Commentary, Criticism, Current Affairs, Epigrams, History, Humor & Satire, Limericks, Literature, Nursery Rhymes, Poems, Poetry, Satire | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: epigrams, nursery rhymes, Trump